Upon reflecting on our offerings to learners and how we might improve our services, we decided to engage with Leargas and persue Erasmus+ funding for the Centre.
Following a successful application, we sent a group of staff to Košice in Slovakia to Súkromné konzervatórium, a dedicated Music & Dance school with the aim increasing our understanding of best-practice teaching methodology, experiencing integration and participation of learners from an array of backgrounds and to discuss learners in areas of Mental Health offerings.
The trip was a success with a solid foundation laid for returning with learners in the future. A second group of staff departed for Pescara in Italy in April with similar objectives. Having visited IPSIAS Di Marzio-Michetti, Technical Institute Luigi di Savoia and IPSEOA Federico di Svevia.
We also got the opportunity to visit CNA – Associazione Provinciale di Pescara which is similar to Chamber of Commerce in Ireland. This allowed for an open discussion on expectations of Italian employers with the view to their support for our future Work Experience learner mobilities.
Both trips had an underlying objective to build bi-lateral relationships for future learner mobilities which each group achieved. An offer to host learners has been extended to both our contacts with on-going planning to visit in the near future.
Our long-term ambition is to at least offer a potential place on a learner trip to somewhere in Europe on a Work Experience themed mobility or a short-term mobility focused on transversal skills.
The Training Centre’s Management would also like to take the opportunity to thank Derka from Súkromné konzervatórium, Fabiana and Anneleise from Submeet.eu in Pescara for hosting both our groups for very successful mobilities and laying the foundation for future learner collaboration projects.
Here are the links to the locations visited: