


The Advocate’s role is to guide and support learners through an individual career-path planning process. Each learner will develop a progression plan in the early stages of their training course.

The Advocate also acts as a representative for the learner in the business community regarding work experience and employment and also as a link between the learner and the educational progression options available at any given time.

Encouragement is very important in this regard. The learner needs to be supported and encouraged to equip them with confidence in their own ability to succeed because too often, for various reasons, learners have a negative view of their own abilities and strengths and don’t focus enough on the positives.

Our Advocacy Support helps Learners experience positive and worthwhile Work Experience placements. Our Advocate works closely with the local business community and listens to Learners’ needs. Our Advocate responds in a way that is beneficial to the employer and the Learner.

cropped view of recruiter typing on laptop keyboard near glasses, resume templates and sticky note

Advocacy Mission Statement:
To provide a tailor-made approach to career-path planning in order to meet the specific guidance, training and work experience needs of learners as they move from the training centre to mainstream training, education or employment.