


Literacy and Numeracy are essential basic life skills in training and employment. As such, Communications (English) and Maths are compulsory modules for almost all QQI awards. Training and certification in these two areas is offered to every learner.

At the start of their course, a comprehensive initial assessment of every learner’s literacy and numeracy needs is undertaken and any learner identified as having additional needs requirements will be offered the necessary support.

The emphasis of the maths program is on real life maths skills. Certification is achieved by completing a range of assessment portfolios focusing on the use of maths in everyday life.

Communications focuses on the use of written, language and digital skills in everyday life. Extensive use is made of modern technology with a major focus on online research and presentation skills.

The learning environment is personal, friendly and very learner-centred with all training taking place in small groups.

Class presentation

Learner Comment: “When I started with Arthur, I had no qualifications whatsoever. I have just finished QQI Level 4 in Maths and Communications which is the same as your Leaving Cert. I found it hard to learn at first but as I got into it, everything became easier. When I was in school I struggled with Maths and English but this is a lot different to school. I have completed what I needed to complete.“ Patrick


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Communications and Maths are compulsory modules for almost all available QQI Major Awards.
QQI Level 3
Application of Number
QQI level 4
Functional Maths/Mathematics